Full width intro with background
Click any text to edit or style it. Select text to insert a link. Click blue "Gear" icon in the top right corner to hide/show text, title and change the block or form background. Click red "+" in the bottom right corner to add a new block. Use the top left menu to create new pages, sites and add themes.
Mobi is an easy website builder - just drop site elements to your page, add content and style it to look the way you like.
All sites you make with Mobi are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site.
Mobi offers many site blocks in several themes, and though these blocks are pre-made, they are flexible.
No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.
Mobirise is an easy website builder - just drop site elements to your page, add content and style it to look the way you like.
Mobirise offers many site blocks in several themes, and though these blocks are pre-made, they are flexible. You can combine blocks in different ways on your pages.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vitae nostrum, quos voluptas fugiat blanditiis, temporibus expedita cumque doloribus ea, officiis consequuntur repellat minus ad veritatis? Facere similique accusamus, accusantium sunt!"
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vitae nostrum, quos voluptas fugiat blanditiis, temporibus expedita cumque doloribus ea, officiis consequuntur repellat minus ad veritatis? Facere similique accusamus, accusantium sunt!"
Mobi è un'applicazione offline per Windows e Mac per creare facilmente siti web di piccole / medie dimensioni, landing pages, curriculum online e portfolio, siti di promozione di app, eventi, servizi e prodotti.
Mobi è perfetto per i non-tecnici che non hanno familiarità con gli aspetti intricati del web development e per il designer che preferiscono lavorare quanto più visivamente possibile, senza combattere con il codice. Ottimo anche per i programmatori professionisti per prototipi veloci e progetti cliente di piccola scala.
Principali differenze con i tradizionali
* Minimalista, estremamente semplice da usare interfaccia
* Mobile- friendly ,blocchi per siti web più recenti e tecniche "out-the-box"
* Gratuito per uso commerciale e non-profit
No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.
No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.
No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.
Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.
Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.
Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.
Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.
Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.
Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.
No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.
No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.
No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.
Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.
Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.
Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.
Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.
Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.
Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.
Mobi gives you the freedom to develop as many websites as you like given the fact that it is a desktop app.
All sites you make with Mobi are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site.
Mobi offers many site blocks in several themes, and though these blocks are pre-made, they are flexible.